Benefits of an HSA
By choosing an HSA, there are a multitude of benefits that you can take advantage of, which include:
The flexibility to shop around for healthcare services and products; this way you can make more informed healthcare decisions
No initial contribution to open an account
No setup fees and no monthly administration fees. View fee schedule
HSA funds stay with you when you change jobs or retire, you own the account
Money you don't use in your HSA rolls over from year-to-year and earns interest tax-free*
After age 65, HSA funds can be used for any purpose without penalty (only income tax is assessed)
Options for self-directed investments that can potentially grow your savings for healthcare or retirement**
Are you eligible for an HSA?
If you have a qualified High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP), either through your employer, through your spouse, or one you've purchased on your own, chances are you can open an HSA. Additionally:
You cannot be covered by any other non-HSA-compatible health plan, including Medicare Parts A and B
You cannot be covered by TriCare
You cannot have accessed your VA medical benefits in the past 90 days (to contribute to an HSA)
You cannot be claimed as a dependent on another person's tax return
You must be covered by the qualified HDHP on the first day of the month
You must have a valid email address, Social Security Number, and a primary residence in the United States
How to apply for an HSA
If you're eligible for an HSA, it's easy to apply. With HSA Bank there are no setup fees, no monthly administration fee and an initial contribution is not required to open an account. It takes less than 10 minutes to complete the online application. You must have a valid email address to open an account.
You may also be eligible for an HSA through your employer. Contact your Human Resources Department to learn more.