The employer



Total HSA balances:
The opportunity
Employees were relatively unengaged with their HSAs and didn’t understand the full value of this benefit. They had substantial HSA balances, but only 10% were investing.
The employer wanted employees to be more confident, learn about their HSA options, and make beneficial decisions about their financial health.
Initiatives that drove outcomes
The employer’s benefits team used reports from HSA Bank to better understand employee needs. The data showed many employees with HSAs were nearing retirement age. They then collaborated with HSA Bank on educational opportunities for employees, including reminders during open enrollment and year-end.
Webinars and education resources focused on retirement topics like how an HSA can function as a retirement savings vehicle, and how Medicare enrollment affects an HSA. Employees were also offered the Retirement Healthcare Cost Calculator to get a personalized healthcare cost estimate they could use to plan for retirement.
The results: More financially prepared employees
By 2022, many employees were taking advantage of the retirement education and other educational resources. That year, 360 employees attended the eight webinars offered. The employees grew more familiar with their health plans and how to use their HSAs to prepare for future healthcare expenses and grow their retirement savings.

Total HSA balances increased 40%

Average HSA investment balance increased 71% from $7,000 to $12,000

15% of employees now invest their HSA funds - a 50% increase!